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Flor da Noite
Heitor Villa-Lobos, Radamés Gnattali

Luís Rabello / Floor Braam

Flor da Noite

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917280524
Catnr: CC 72805
Release date: 11 January 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72805
Release date
11 January 2019

"Pianist Luis Rabello is a sensitive partner and does a terrific job in the solo pieces, many of which are quite intricate and have the quality of jazz improvisations."

Gramophone, 01-6-2019

About the album

Luis Rabello: “The music of Radamés Gnattali (1906-1988) stands very distinguished on the Brazilian classical music landscape given the composer unique background: a hybrid of classical virtuoso pianist, composer of symphonies, concertos and sophisticated chamber music and popular composer who immensely contributed to different musical styles in the Brazilian music scene such as the samba, choro, bossa nova and the Brazilian jazz.

Gnattali started his career as a classical pianist and was considered one of the greatest virtuosos of his generation. He spent a great part of his life as the composer, arranger and conductor of the National Radio orchestra in Rio de Janeiro.

It was in 2005, thanks to Roberto Gnattali, that I had my first immersion in Gnattali's universe. Roberto Gnattali, composer and teacher at the University of Rio de Janeiro, is the nephew of Radamés Gnattali. Nowadays considered the curator of Radamés Gnattali's music, Roberto is an expert of all his uncle's recordings and compositions.

Gnattali’s widow surprised me with an unexpected present when she allowed me to take the digital copies of all music Gnattali has written for piano, that included solo, chamber and concertos. The present album is a fortunate consequence of that!
The album Flor da noite brings to the public the very first recording of Gnattali's entire repertoire for violin and piano.

Flor da Noite is het eerste album van violiste Floor Braam en pianist Luís Rabello. Ze spelen het gehele oeuvre voor viool en piano van Radamés Gnattali, een cruciale figuur in het klassieke muzieklandschap van het 20e eeuwse Brazilië, het thuisland van Rabello. Wat een prachtige muziek heeft Gnattali gemaakt, uitmuntend, subtiel, maar ook met schwung uitgevoerd door het Rotterdamse duo.

Oud maar ook nieuw

Het album vertegenwoordigt tegelijkertijd iets ouds en iets nieuws. Oud, omdat sommige stukken in de jaren '20 van de vorige eeuw werden gecomponeerd. Nieuw, omdat een aantal composities van een van de grootste Braziliaanse componisten voor het eerst door het duo Braam en Rabello in het openbaar ten gehore werden gebracht.

Wat was ze mooi

De titel dankt het album aan een beeldschone dame uit Salvador da Bahia. Zij verkocht popcorn op de hoek van de straat bij het stadstheater. Haar schoonheid en prachtige stem inspireerden dichters en componisten om talloze stukken aan de beauty op te dragen. Op een keer toen Gnattali zijn goede vriend, de zanger en componist, Dorival Caymmi in Salvador bezocht, kwam de mooie dame ter sprake. Ook Caymmi had een lied voor haar geschreven. Gnattali was diep onder de indruk en droeg graag bij aan alle artistieke werken die aan haar gewijd waren. De openingsmelodie van Gnattali's stuk is het motief dat de 'bloem van de nacht' zong om haar popcorn aan de man te brengen.

Weduwe Gnattali had verrassing in petto

Al decennia lang had Radamés Gnattali een nauwe band met de familie van Luís Rabello. Een familie die uit bekende musici bestond, zoals de gitarist Raphael Rabello. Gnattali trad veel met ze op en droeg ook composities aan hen op. Ook na de dood van Gnattali bleef de vriendschap tussen de twee families overeind. De ontmoeting met zijn neef Roberto, componist en docent aan de universiteit van Rio de Janeiro, inspireerde Luís om een eerste album te maken gewijd aan de solo piano muziek van Gnattali. Hij stuurde de opname naar de weduwe van Gnattali. Zij was er zo blij mee dat ze Luís Rabello verraste met een onverwacht cadeau: ze stond hem toe alle digitale kopieën mee te nemen van alle muziek van Gnattali voor piano, dus solo, maar ook kamermuziek en concerto's. Flor da Noite is een gevolg van dit cadeau!

Braziliaanse prijs

Luís Rabello en Floor Braam hebben sinds 2016 aan dit album gewerkt. In datzelfde jaar ontvingen ze ook de prestigieuze 'Fomento Cultural' prijs van de Braziliaanse overheid voor hun vertolkingen van het temperamentvolle repertoire van de Braziliaanse componist Radames Gnattali. Wat volgde was een succesvolle tournee door Brazilië, een optreden bij Podium Witteman en veel aandacht van de internationale pers.

Luis Rabello: „Die Musik von Radamés Gnattali (1906-1988) hebt sich in Anbetracht des einzigartigen Hintergrundes des Komponisten in der Landschaft der brasilianischen klassischen Musik ab: Er ist ein Mischwesen von klassischem Klaviervirtuosen, Komponist von Symphonien, Konzerten und raffinierter Kammermusik, und Popkomponist, der immens zu den verschiedenen Musikstilen in der brasilianischen Musikszene beigetragen hat, z.B. Samba, Choro, Bossa nova und brasilianischen Jazz.
Gnattali begann seine Karriere als klassischer Pianist und galt als einer der größten Virtuosen seiner Generation. Er verbrachte einen Großteil seines Lebens als Komponist, Arrangeur und Dirigent des Nationalen Rundfunkorchesters in Rio de Janeiro.
2005 tauchte ich dank Roberto Gnattali zum ersten Mal in Radamés Gnattalis Universum ein. Roberto Gnattali, Komponist und Lehrender an der Universität von Rio de Janeiro, ist Radamés Gnattalis Neffe. Er gilt heute als Kurator von Radamés Gnattalis Musik und ist ein Experte für alle Aufnahmen und Kompositionen seines Onkels.
Gnattalis Witwe überraschte mich mit einem unerwarteten Geschenk: Sie gestattete mir, digitale Kopien von Gnattalis gesamter Klaviermusik zu machen, sowohl Solo- als auch Kammerwerke und Konzerte. Dieses Album ist das glückliche Ergebnis davon!
Das Album Flor da noite bietet die Erstaufnahme von Gnattalis gesamtem Repertoire für Violine und Klavier.


Luís Rabello (piano)

Named by the Spanish press as “the Ambassador of Brazilian music”, Luís Rabello was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in a family of renowned musicians. Winner of several prizes in his home country, Rabello studied in Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Russia and in Rotterdam Conservatory in The Netherlands, graduating in both with maximum degree.           Living in The Netherlands, where he teaches in Rotterdam Conservatory, Rabello develops an intense activity as a concert pianist as well as chamber musician in this country. Last seasons Rabello performed concerts in Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. In Brazil, Rabello has performed in major concert halls in solo concerts as well as a soloist with the most important Brazilian orchestras.          Currently, Rabello is recording...
Named by the Spanish press as “the Ambassador of Brazilian music”, Luís Rabello was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in a family of renowned musicians. Winner of several prizes in his home country, Rabello studied in Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Russia and in Rotterdam Conservatory in The Netherlands, graduating in both with maximum degree. Living in The Netherlands, where he teaches in Rotterdam Conservatory, Rabello develops an intense activity as a concert pianist as well as chamber musician in this country. Last seasons Rabello performed concerts in Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal. In Brazil, Rabello has performed in major concert halls in solo concerts as well as a soloist with the most important Brazilian orchestras. Currently, Rabello is recording the integral piano compositions of the Brazilian composer Radamés Gnattali. The Brazilian composer always had a close relation with the Rabello family, having recorded albums together and also dedicated a few compositions to its member. The first CD was released by the label Acari Records and had its presentation concert at De Doelen, in Rotterdam, followed by a Dutch and Brazilian tours. This first CD brings to the audience important compositions of Gnattali that were never recorded before, as the Piano Sonata No.1.


Floor Braam (violin)

Floor Braam (The Netherlands) has established herself as a versatile violinist, whose willingness to explore has led to various collaborations at home and abroad. Floor has initiated her own annual concert series at the Worldmuseum and concerthall the Doelen in Rotterdam, where she invited and performed with musicians such as Maxim Vengerov and Wibi Soerjadi. In 2017 Floor got selected by the Lincoln Center of Performing Arts in New York to perform on their brand new Lincoln Center Stage, an onboard classical music venue in partnership with Holland America Line. In 2015, she made her solo-debut with the Zakhar Bron Chamber Orchestra at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. Floor started her violin education with Annechien van Blom at the Prince Claus Conservatory...
Floor Braam (The Netherlands) has established herself as a versatile violinist, whose willingness to explore has led to various collaborations at home and abroad. Floor has initiated her own annual concert series at the Worldmuseum and concerthall the Doelen in Rotterdam, where she invited and performed with musicians such as Maxim Vengerov and Wibi Soerjadi. In 2017 Floor got selected by the Lincoln Center of Performing Arts in New York to perform on their brand new Lincoln Center Stage, an onboard classical music venue in partnership with Holland America Line. In 2015, she made her solo-debut with the Zakhar Bron Chamber Orchestra at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
Floor started her violin education with Annechien van Blom at the Prince Claus Conservatory in Groningen. She studied with Yossi Zivoni and Ani Schnarch at the Royal College of Music in London and graduated with the highest distinction under the tutelage of Misha Furman at the Codarts Conservatory Rotterdam. She took masterclasses and participated in festivals in Germany, Israel, Switzerland and the United States. Floor plays on a Nicolo Gagliano violin (Napoli, 1750).



Heitor Villa-Lobos

Heitor Villa-Lobos was a Brazilian composer, described as 'the single most significant creative figure in 20th-century Brazilian art music'. Villa-Lobos has become the best-known South American composer of all time.A prolific composer, he wrote numerous orchestral, chamber, instrumental and vocal works, totaling over 2000 works by his death in 1959. His music was influenced by both Brazilian folk music and by stylistic elements from the European classical tradition, as exemplified by his Bachianas Brasileiras (Brazilian Bachian-pieces). His Etudes for guitar (1929) were dedicated to Andrés Segovia while his 5 Preludes (1940) were dedicated to Arminda Neves d’Almeida, a.k.a. 'Mindinha', both are important works in the guitar repertory.
Heitor Villa-Lobos was a Brazilian composer, described as "the single most significant creative figure in 20th-century Brazilian art music". Villa-Lobos has become the best-known South American composer of all time.A prolific composer, he wrote numerous orchestral, chamber, instrumental and vocal works, totaling over 2000 works by his death in 1959.
His music was influenced by both Brazilian folk music and by stylistic elements from the European classical tradition, as exemplified by his Bachianas Brasileiras (Brazilian Bachian-pieces). His Etudes for guitar (1929) were dedicated to Andrés Segovia while his 5 Preludes (1940) were dedicated to Arminda Neves d’Almeida, a.k.a. "Mindinha", both are important works in the guitar repertory.


Radamés Gnattali

Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1906, Radamés Gnattali was a prominent Brazilian composer who composed equally well in classical and popular music. His mother was a pianist and his father was an Italian immigrant who settled in Porto Alegre.  Gnattali studied piano with his mother. At age 9, he won a prize for conducting a junior orchestra, in which he performed arrangements written by him. At 14, he joined the Porto Alegre Conservatory of Music to continue his piano studies, also taking up the viola. To make a living as a student, he played the piano at movie theaters and balls.  In 1924, Gnatalli finished his course at the conservatory and went to Rio de Janeiro to perform a Tchaikovsky piece at the...
Born in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1906, Radamés Gnattali was a prominent Brazilian composer who composed equally well in classical and popular music. His mother was a pianist and his father was an Italian immigrant who settled in Porto Alegre. Gnattali studied piano with his mother. At age 9, he won a prize for conducting a junior orchestra, in which he performed arrangements written by him. At 14, he joined the Porto Alegre Conservatory of Music to continue his piano studies, also taking up the viola. To make a living as a student, he played the piano at movie theaters and balls. In 1924, Gnatalli finished his course at the conservatory and went to Rio de Janeiro to perform a Tchaikovsky piece at the city’s Municipal Theater. He spent the next two years commuting between Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, working solely with classical music. In the early 1930’s Gnattali settled permanently in Rio de Janeiro, where he debuted as a composer, presenting his Rapsódia Brasileira. In 1936, he went to work for the National Radio Station of Brazil, where he stayed for 30 years, serving as a pianist, soloist, conductor, composer, and arranger. While working on the radio, he continued to pursue his classical music career as a pianist and composer, producing a number of symphonies. In the 1960's, Gnattali was hired by a TV Network, where he worked for 11 years as arranger, composer and conductor. In 1983, won the Shell Music award for lifetime achievement as a classical musician.



Pianist Luis Rabello is a sensitive partner and does a terrific job in the solo pieces, many of which are quite intricate and have the quality of jazz improvisations.
Gramophone, 01-6-2019

Together with violinist Floor Braam, Rabello recorded an album that Brazilians can be proud of.
De Volkskrant, 10-1-2019

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Luís Rabello and violinist Floor Braam - Radamés Gnattali 'Flor da Noite'

Often bought together with..

Radamés Gnattali
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Various composers
Songs Without Words – Jazz of the Golden Age
Camerata Trajectina
Sergei Prokofiev, Ralph Vaughan Williams, William Walton
Violin Concerto No. 1 | Viola Concerto | The Lark Ascending
Isabelle van Keulen | NDR Radiophilharmonie
Ástor Piazzolla
Ángeles y Diablos
Isabelle van Keulen Ensemble

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